John Tucci President & Founder
I founded Lake Savers in 2007. After watching my own lake deteriorate due to Eurasian Water Milfoil and a failed multi-year herbicide program, I was determined to find a better way. Not satisfied with the lack of answers coming from the the "Lake Management" industry, I began an intensive search for natural technologies that work and a determination to save lakes, whatever it takes.
Amanda Wisner M.S. Biology – Director Northeast Region
Though Amanda has worked in a variety of positions in the field of aquatic biology, her primary interest is how human interactions with the environment affect aquatic ecosystems. Her research has taken her from Gloucester MA to the Bahamas to Esther Island Alaska where she was a fisheries technician for the propagation of salmon.
Khris Twigg – Director of Operations Midwest Region
Khris very quickly moved into a leadership position within Lake Savers, taking over responsibility for the maintenance and operations of our Inversion Oxygenation Systems and specialized equipment in our largest Region.
Jayme Longo – Director, Tree Savers
Jayme Longo is one of the country’s leading authorities on Biological Control to save the Eastern Hemlock Forests from devastation by the Hemlock Wooly Adelgid.
Richard Bruce – Director of Operations, Southeast Region
Richard joined the Lake Savers team in 2009 to help analyze, install, and manage one of the first subsurface aeration systems of it’s kind in the state of Florida and since then has worked with the company on many of its large installations around the country.
Will Bledsoe Ph.D. – Educational Development
After teaching at the University of Colorado in Boulder for 10 years, I turned my attention to "environmental restorative justice" and technologies that are truly restorative - that is, they restore a natural system's inherent capability of continually restoring itself.
Jack Mosel, B.S. Earth Science, M.A.T. Earth Systems Science – Senior Restoration Consultant
We are attempting to achieve the audacious goal of ‘Re-Oligotrophication’ – a return of a water body to a pristine state. We dare to believe this is achievable if we look deeply into nature and the power of biomimicry. We won’t rest until we’ve uncovered the answers.
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