Warning Signs
What Warning Signs Do You See?
The more you know about what you’re seeing, the better prepared you’ll be to take the correct action to restore your lake.
Are weeds encroaching in areas of the lake where they’ve never been before? If so, your lake has an external nutrient overloading problem and is suffering from dissolved oxygen depletion. Phosphorus and Nitrogen are used in massive quantities to fertilize farm fields and lawns. These nutrients are washed into the streams, creeks and rivers which carry them to your lake. <more>
If so, your lake has a more serious internal nutrient overloading problem. Dissolved oxygen levels have plummeted to the point where the lake is overloading itself with phosphorous and nitrogen as a result of decaying weeds on the lake bottom. If the algae on your lake are blue-green, it is becoming toxic. <more>
If your lake or lake-sediment smells like rotten eggs (sulfur) during the summer months, it means the bottom of your lake has become a compost pile of decaying weeds, feces and algae which continually overload the lake with nutrients (internal nutrient overloading). It also means oxygen circulating at the bottom is almost nonexistent. How much muck does your lake have? <more>
Dissolved oxygen levels have reached a point where fish are suffocating. When fish die it means the food chain that sustains the ecosystem is dying. Most experts will tell you that fish kills are a “one-time” event; a coincidence. In fact, neither is true. If the cause is not addressed immediately, it’ll happen again. We may be your only hope. Photo by USGS. <more>
Beaches close when disease-causing microorganisms (pathogens) and microcystins (blue-green algae) reach toxic levels. Children, the elderly, and people with weakened immune systems are the most vulnerable. A closed beach means your lake has reached a critical – potentially irreversible condition. In fact, you are in danger of losing your lake. <more>
The environmental destruction by Zebra Mussels has become a shared Canadian and US freshwater natural disaster. Conventional solutions have largerly failed. New biotechnology has emerged which will eradicate mussel populations using an all natural approach. Photo by USFWS <more>